Would you walk into someone’s house unannounced after just one conversation?
It’s how I felt after an email from xinfinitee.co slithered into my inbox. Slightly used and bemused.
Another email in the deluge of dreary crap that arrives, uncalled for, unwelcomed.
It took me a few moments to make the mental connection back to Simon.
I had called him 10 days earlier to congratulate him on his new job.
To rekindle a friendly acquaintance after a 15-month lull and to learn a little more about the business he had joined. Some of their services might be of value to our clients.
And now I had been relegated from an acquaintance, to a field in a list.
I get it. Growing your database grows your brand reach and awareness and could create enquiries and referrals.
But ask first, get my permission, and welcome me:
- Make it fun, light and interesting
- Make it all about me, the reader
- Pique my curiosity
- Show-off
- Talk with me more about what you do. But in a way that answers the unspoken “so what” and walks past the “why should I care” BS detector.
Then at least I’ll feel a connection, and receptive to future emails from you.
Who knows, I may well get back in touch on behalf of a client.
Welcome email sequences do just that.
They build the relationship with potential clients.
From a casual hello to warm introduction and deeper understanding of your business - and how you help.