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Paint by numbers or original? Your choice

Paint by numbers

Paint by number kits are a boon for some parents. A way to keep children busy, for a while. Paint these numbers with these colours. Keep in the lines, keep it at, and voilà: a painting they can parade.

A welcome distraction.

Except it’s not a painting.

It’s another bland reproduction that will end up at the tip.

It’s not an expression of their child’s ideas, personality, or freedom. Just their ability to follow "the rules".

Many businesses do the same with their marketing

Tick-box exercises that push out the same drivel as their peers.

  • Websites – ‘we, us’ statements about how experienced, expert we are, and can help you…. Please, really.
  • Newsletters on subscription – for anyone who will pay the price. Something to everyone is nothing to anyone. Little wonder they are so dull.
  • Social media posts – American faux-real photos. Clickbait headlines with substance of candy floss. Beyond banal.
  • Brochures and collateral that reflect the business care factor. Their insight into their client’s world, their desire to connect and show value? Nil.
  • Self-absorbed networking presentations about the business, its wonderful people and achievements. The audience bored as they struggle to grasp, “what’s in it for me?”

And the beat goes on.

Tick-box marketing is ok; it makes you feel as if you are doing something.

But it delivers little, other than the occasional hand wave or a “that was interesting Bob” comment.

  • If your marketing is unremarkable
  • If your communication is vague, motherhood statements to some generic avatar
  • If that is all the effort you put in, the care factor you have for business, your clients

...then little wonder you struggle to attract new clients and talent.

So, are you going to be remarkable? or beige?

If you do want to grow, then get in touch. Maybe we can help.

> As always you can reach Alex on 02 4023 5958 or by email.

Stand out and grow

  • Be seen and heard
  • Attract the clients you want
  • Grow your sales

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