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Do they get it?

Do they get it

“The illusion of communication is that it has taken place”

(George Bernard Shaw)


Business doesn’t happen without writing. Yet given how turgid it can be, it’s remarkable how much activity does takes place.

Though what is never measured or recorded is the high cost of poor writing.

Poor communication, and the underlying poor thinking, can blow up in any number of ways.

  • Presentations that die in front of blank faces, faint applause masking the dead thud of nothingness;
  • proposals filed under No;
  • projects that over-run;
  • team members confused about expectations, projects stalled.

Often the writing is bound up in professionalese.

Polysyllabic words with in-vogue and ambiguous meanings, but they make the writer feel that they are utilising their knowledge and professional training to portray alleged mastery over the subject.

In other words – hard to read, and says little.

People are busy, so make it easier for them.

Get clear what you want your audience to understand, why they should care and what you want them to do.

However, remember it takes time, care and practice; and there is a high cost to misunderstanding.

There is truth in Mark Twain’s quip:

I didn’t have time to write you a short letter, so I wrote a long one instead.

And if you are struggling, and it’s important, get a copywriter.


the ability to craft words with impact

Jenny Gutwenger, COO, mid-tier Sydney law firm

“Alex really nailed the brand anchors that underpin our positioning, messaging, and stories. He has the ability to craft words with impact, and he has been a pleasure to work with.”

Used to take us an hour to explain

Stuart Wolfe, Head of Technical Services, Politis Investment Strategies

“Your one page summary of our business proposition used to take us an hour to explain to potential new ARs [business partners].”

Stand out and grow

  • Be seen and heard
  • Attract the clients you want
  • Grow your sales

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