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Confessions of a client

Confessions of a client

We had finished the project and were going through a feedback process.

The first comments were rewarding.

“Going through the process with you, to have a fresh set of eyes on the business, gave us pause to reflect. To look at the business anew gave us clarity and cause to be optimistic about the future.”

“The third-party research into our authorised reps gave us open feedback and eked out the details that matter; what they valued and what more they wanted.”


But then came this and I drank it in:

“As a trained accountant I was a little derisory about marketing – viewed it as an expenditure and questioned the returns – I was fixated on the ROI.

What’s this guff about brand, promotion, consistent communication….

What we learned is that it takes time for the marketing and brand to build – increment by increment – but then it comes to fruition and really pays off.”


A deep pause and then a moment’s silence.

“Can I quote you on that?”

Stephen laughed, “Of course you can.”


And there it was:

The understanding about why we ‘fuss’ over messaging, wearing the client hat, persuasive communications, answering the ‘what’s in it for me’ question, and above all, consistent and persistent action.

Or to take a financial investment maxim:

Time in the market beats timing the market.

If you’d like to bring in more enquiries and grow your business, call Alex Meijnen on 02 4023 5958.
It all starts with a conversation.

Stand out and grow

  • Be seen and heard
  • Attract the clients you want
  • Grow your sales

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