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…Are you Winning?

Are You Winning v2

The fight for your client’s attention is relentless. 

Inboxes are flooded with emails from colleagues, clients, suppliers, regulatory bodies, and other businesses’ newsletters. 

Mobile phones are so addictive that people can’t draw their eyes away. 

Software apps employ the world’s top neuroscientists. Their sole focus: to work past your conscious defences and keep you on the platform 

And work itself is more complex and relentless, seeping into evenings and weekends. 

So, when you write to a client that’s their world. 

And the first thing they look at when they receive anything is Who is it from? 

Do they look forward to your newsletters and posts with a sense of anticipation? 

Eager to read the story you are about to share, a humorous anecdote or provocative stance, that segues into a telling insight. 

Or are they filed under worthy but later, doomed to be ignored? Or worse trashed instantly. 

When you send business documents are they conversational, easy to read, and succinct with a call to action? 

Or so wound up in jargon that they get put on the pile for later. And you chase for three weeks for an answer. 


Communications matter, they can cut through and make an impact, provoke a response, or they can bland out.  

And if yours are in the latter:  

1. Develop a brand voice - a guideline that is of you but conversational, entertaining, and informative. As if you were talking with people.  

2. Implement it across all your comms. 

3. Read all your comms with a client hat on. 

4. Ban 42-word polysyllabic, multiple clause sentences. They are for lawyers, not your clients. 


And if you are still struggling, get help.

If you’d like to discuss your client communications, give Alex Meijnen a call on 02 4023 5958 or email

Stand out and grow

  • Be seen and heard
  • Attract the clients you want
  • Grow your sales


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