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Vampire clients draining your life force?

it is not worth it

Vampire Clients delivering Results

I doubled my normal fees and they still said yes. Nightmare, now I still have to deal with them and I know it’s going to be painful.”

And the retort from Damo’s mate Steve, “just think about the money,” doesn’t work.

Instead, underlying resentment builds up, which is never good.


Fees are not the only way to value clients.

Cost-to-serve is a fuller metric – though typically it misses the most important part.

Yes, the time, skills & tools involved matter.

But if your client is an energy vampire draining your enthusiasm and attention, then it is not worth it.


Conserve your energy – that precious presence and vitality that rubs off on others and sparks them.

Your energy drives your enthusiasm and creative problem-solving, which your other clients value.

Your energy is more valuable than your time. Take care of it.


And if you have energy vampire clients – move them.

Get clear on who you best serve and why, and make sure you include the energy factor.


If you are stuck and not sure how – reach out and we’ll brainstorm the problem.

It can help to have a sounding board and direction about where-to next.

Stand out and grow

  • Be seen and heard
  • Attract the clients you want
  • Grow your sales


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